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Green Energy From Natural Resources


More Can Be Done

The examples of simple lifestyle adjustments that bring about meaningful resource savings discussed in the video are just two of the many possible ways you can reduce your impact on the environment. This page contains many more examples of sustainable behaviour that are sure to reduce your ecological footprint and save you money.

Say No to Bottled Water

Not only is it wasteful and unnecessary, the process of bottling water is energy intensive and requires three times as much water than is actually bottled! Not to mention the U.S.’s recycling rate of plastic water bottles is only 23% and bottled water costs almost 2000 times as much as tap water. Sustainable alternatives include tap water or filtered tap water using products such as Brita or Mavea.

Use Reusable Grocery Bags

This is another incredibly wasteful practice that is easily avoidable. The average use time of a plastic bag is 12 minutes. 12 minutes!!! This is consumer irresponsibility at its finest.

Avoid Standby Power

Any appliance that is plugged in uses energy even when it is turned off. Standby power accounts for 5-10% of total residential energy use, costing the average American household over $100 a year. Use a power bar with an on/off switch and turn off the switch when not in use, or simply unplug appliances when you’re not using them.

Go Paperless

More than 30 million trees are cut down each year to make paper used in the production of books sold in the U.S. each year. With the vast amount of content available online, chances are you can find an electronic version of the book you’re looking for. The same is true for news and educational resources.

Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water

Water heating accounts for about 90% of the energy required to operate a clothes washing machine. Not only will washing your clothes in cold water save energy, but it will extend the life of your clothing as well!

Drive Less

This can certainly be a challenge depending on where you live, but there are a number of advantages associated with using other means of transportation. Alternatives to driving include walking, biking, using public transportation, or carpooling; all of which decrease your gas costs and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle resulting in increased longevity.